Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

Brush Up your Spanish – Spanish Course for Travelers in Peru

Monday January 02, 2023 - Posted by to Spanish Language Tips
Brush Up your Spanish – Spanish Course for Travelers in Peru

Brush Up your Spanish – Spanish Course for Travelers in Peru

How to get the real travel experience in Peru!


If you are traveling in Peru – or: in Bolivia, Ecuador or Chile, and will be heading to Peru – this is your chance!

Come to Cusco and Brush Up your Spanish skills in our special Spanish course for Travelers in Peru!

This ‘survival Spanish’ is the perfect way to get the real travel experience and make the most out of your travels in South-America!

Being Able to Speak Spanish makes a Huge Difference

Is your first question when interacting with local people always “Hablas inglés” or “Do you speak English”? Do you feel a bit uncomfortable communicating with the local people in Peru when ordering a plate, asking for prices, hiring a guide or contracting a tour, just because you know your Spanish could be so much better?

What about negotiating with the taxi driver (because you know he is overcharging…)?

And what about the friendly lady that offers you an extra fruit juice at the market? Wouldn’t you love to talk to her in Spanish?

Wouldn’t it be great to actually be able to express yourself stop relying on your travel mates that speak Spanish better than you?

This is possible and can be achieved in a short period of time! Being able to speak Spanish makes a huge difference…




Spanish Course for Travelers in Peru

In this (survival) Spanish course for Travelers in Peru, we offer you the opportunity to learn the essentials of the Spanish language, in a very short amount of time in the beautiful city of Cusco!

Our experienced Spanish teachers focus on speaking and on listening skills, including Spanish phrases and expressions that are used while traveling in Peru – and in other Latin American countries.

Just image how much more you will get out of your travel experience in Peru, if you spoke (some) Spanish!

Brush Up your Spanish – Spanish Course for Travelers in Peru




Course Set-Up:

  • 15 hours/week (3/ day)
  • Start Every Monday from April to October
  • Flexible Starting dates for small groups that come together
  • Free Welcome Dinner with other students of the Spanish School
  • Free Peruvian cooking class + free salsa class
  • Visit to market and other hidden gems in Cusco  only our teacher know 🙂
  • Free WIFI at school
  • Access to online exercises to practice
  • 24/7 support in case of emergencies




Just write “Brush Up” on our contact form to receive the details about the course so you can register.

* Min 4 students (small extra pay if fewer students)


In our Spanish Course for Travelers in Peru, we practice everyday situations such as:

-in a cafe, in a restaurant, at your hotel, in the travel agency

-at the airport, at the police station, in the shop, and so on.

We cover greetings in Spanish and simple conversations, as well as practical things such as

-days of the week, the months

-numbers (to bargain better)


-and so on

You will learn how to ask for directions in Spanish and how to communicate in basic Spanish when you are lost, or when you need help, and also if you just want to chat and have a nice chat with the locals.

Commonly used Spanish phrases will help you in all kinds of situations. Of course, there is a cultural component too in this course, we will immerse you in Peruvian culture. The menus in the restaurants in Cusco won’t be a secret for you anymore, as our enthusiastic local teachers will tell you about Peruvian food, about local costoms and local Holidays. Also, they will give you good inside information about what to visit and what to do in Cusco.

Upon finalizing the Spanish Course For Travelers in Peru, you will feel that you are ready to move on and that you can (continue to) travel independently around South America, feeling much more confident about your Spanish skills!

Mastering basic Spanish will enormously help you to make your life much easier as a traveler in Peru.

Brush Up your Spanish – Spanish Course for Travelers in Peru
If you are interested in making the most out of your travel experience by learning Spanish?

Just write “Brush Up” on our contact form to receive the details about the course so you can register.



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